who we do it for

key to our success are our relationships

working across all levels, industries and continents

Our consultants have been developing leaders with client organisations across multiple industries, markets and cultures around the world. These have included:


Airfoil Services

Alexion Pharma

Allianz SE

Ashfield Healthcare Communications




BNP Paribas

Easton & Otley College

GEA Group

Hutchison Ports


Kent CC



MTU Aerospace

Norfolk County Council


Rohde & Schwarz

STEM Healthcare

Surrey County Council

Travel Insurance Facilities Group

Some case studies


Extensive work over 3 years with 32 different country executive committees (ExCom) around the world to support a major transformation programme at country level. This was a major strategic shift and a massive undertaking involving organisational, process and behavioural changes at all levels of the business. Countries were selected for their strategic importance and contribution to Group EBITDA.

GEA Group Aktienge-sellschaft

Working with the newly forming leadership teams of the Product Engineering & Service divisions of this global engineering company to support them in implementing the “One GEA” strategy. Our work involved supporting the Executive Directors in building their leadership teams, working with them through the transitions and into steady state. We then supported the teams in defining their strategies; establishing new organisation structures; and developing and embedding new ways of working. Subsequently we have taken this work to leadership teams lower in the organization to support fully the changes.

Norfolk County Council

Working with the MD and her leadership team over a 2-year period to improve their effectiveness at dealing with business issues as a team and rolling out their “Norfolk Futures” change programme. Additionally, provided support to the directorate teams in Adults’ Services, Children’s Services, Environment & Sustainability and HR, as well as supporting a number of the workstream teams within the change programme.

Essex County Council

Worked with the CEO and leadership team over 3 years to improve their effectiveness as a team and support them in rolling out a major transformation programme. Also worked with the various directorates, the Executive Directors and the Leader and Cabinet to help them embed more effective team behaviours and improve their efficiency as leadership teams. Additionally, provided 1:1 coaching for various members of the leadership team on an “as required” basis.

Kent County Council

Worked with the newly appointed Corporate Director for Children, Young People and Education and the recently formed leadership team to establish them as a high performing team

Easton and Otley College

Worked with the newly appointed MD to help her restructure her leadership team and organisation in the face of severe budgetary and performance pressures

Alexion Pharma International Trading

Continuing to work with EVPs manufacturing and global supply chain to help them build and develop their leadership teams at a time of high growth and organisational change.


Central Bank of Ireland

Worked with over 200 leaders and managers throughout the organisation from the Governor through to first line managers, supporting a major culture change programme.